Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lawn mowin and Creek orner

Well this morning I 'm sitting on the porch having my coffee and here comes Mr. Baumgartner on his lawn mower... he said I'm here to mowing some of your yard and off he mow about 1/3 of yard......
He told Wes to come over to the house, he had a older mower he could use to finish the job - Wes spent about 3 hrs mowing front , back, and side yards while I weed whacked around the house and pulled grass out of my flower bed.
Last week we noticed that one of the big oak tree had tilted in the Creek Corner,,,(aka poison Ivy/Oak area pit)...Wes went out to cut back some bush to get a look at the tree and wouldn't you know it,,,, Yes Wes is got it again,,on top of his head, across this face, shoulder on both inner arms,on one side and behind both knees...
He is a mess...poor thing goes crazy at night and cant sleep. I think we're going to hire professional help to clear these 2 back corners...