Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mary Jane visits (aka: Aunt Curley)

Mary came in on Wed afternoon and we drove around Dallas to find 2 of the places Wes and Mary lived at. Man did it rain that night. Got over 3 inches again.
On Thursdays Wes took Mary on a Corsicana downtown tour. Introduced her to Picolos pickles and Corsicana Bakery. She met Brooke from next door.
Mary showed me how to play games on facebook and I showed her how to play Poppitt and Chuzzle on We stayed up til 2 a.m.
On Friday we went to Dawson, looked around the cemetary and went by Granny Moore house. There was a elderly lady sitting on the porch so we stopped and went to talk to her. She let Wes and Mary look thru the house...It was very nice. good memories for them.
Then we went to the Brushie Prairie Cemetary and went thru that one taking family tombstone pictures... We went to the Pecan store and Russell Stover Chocalote store too. Had a good visit but had to take Mary back to DFW airport in Dallas on Saturday morning....