Saturday, December 5, 2009

Frosty nipping at my nose

Well the lights on the house are on and the tree is set up.Not too sure about these new LED lights..not bright enough. Dad say we might need to go buy something else and change it out when it gets warmer...
It snowed yesterday morning for couple of hours but didn't stay...I just couldn't stand it and had to go walk around the yard feeling it hit my face.
When I got up this morning it was 25 o and the yards were white...I think I might need to wear couple pairs of pants and shirts,,, yes I kicked the furnace up to 70 until Wes gets up, then the real battle begins to turn it down to 65...


Holly Michelle Chandler said...

The tree looks awesome! I can picture the rest of the family gathered around it. Can't wait to see those pics!