Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunny Days

Well we got another 2 1/2 in of snow last week but we finally got a couple days of warm sunny days...I was able to plant 40 more gladiolus bulbs in different colors and re pot the flowers by the door flowers before the rain comes again. My next project will to clean out the flower bed at the end of the or roses?
I kept hearing the sound of bees as I took out the trash to the road...I then realized they were all there the yard since with all the rain, it was sprouted these weeds with tiny purple, blue and white flowers, that are about 2 inches tall...Told Wes to get the lawn mover out and get the yards mowed.
Oh Lara,,, the cow got out today and were across the road and over in Baumgarteners side pasture....and it wasn't even the white one....come herd them...LOL
The big plan for the week is to go do taxes and voting on Tues and finish Susan quilt top this week...


Lara C. said...


Hope that helps. xox