Saturday, March 3, 2012

Rose Garden

It took us a week to do this project. We pulled out the telepone pole piece border, till everything up,and kill those red ants. Wes measure and calulated how deep to dug for our double 25lbs. brick pavers. (Trinity Harvest color) Took us 2 trips to Home Depot to get them home with 3 exlarge bags of peat moss. Then we went shopping for the roses: bought 12- 2 of each: Double Delight is a yellow center with red tips, Mr. Lincoln is dark red, Montezuma is coral, Lowell Thomas is yellow, Paul Neyrin is light pink, and Queen Elizabeth is med to dark pink. (Would like to find a Cabbage rose- its purple). Got half planted late yesterday afternoon and the other half planted this morning. Went back to Home Depot for 10 bags of cypress mulch which we used one 8 bags. and then put out in our solar lights.
Looks for the other side..Wes is growning....