Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 9

Well it was a loonngg night. Lucas fell out of his low bed 3 times last night in 45 minutes...I put the mattress on floor and tried to get him back to sleep but he got a second wind and didnt go back to sleep til 2:40...

We had a good day...did our usual front porch, take trash, back porch play. Lucas loves water,,,dog water, hoses , pool...Brian would rather dig...
It threatened to rain all day but never did. Went to Walmart to get papa medicine and to Taco Bell for lunch... Lucas went down for 2 hr nap and Brian played quieltly with his plane but never did go to sleep,,, Late this afternoon Pa-pa went and got his mower with his trailer on it. They had fun.
Went to Dennys for dinner and just as we were leaving the skies opened up... We went over to Brookes to give her her birthday present and boys to say bye.

We had a great time with our grandbabies and will do it again...