Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Highlight of 2013

Life still goes on..some days better than others. I'm still trying to keep myself busy...
Jan. was just another month..Feb was even worse. It was Wes birthday.
I went to Calif in March to be there for Brandon wedding and Emily 1st St. Patty Day and Easter. The Easter dress and bonnet was Lara 1st Easter outfit.

April I went to Alabama for Jenna first birthday..

 May was Maddie 11 th birthday and Ethan 9th birthday and I went back to AL for Brians kindergarten graduation.



June was Hayden and Hannah 6th birthday and graduated kindergarten .

I put the house up for sale here in TX and will see where God wants me to go and do.
I flew out to Calif for Emily 1st birthday in July.

Cousin Tom Petznick, 1st cousin on my Dads side of family, came by for a visit at end of May.

When I was in Calif. I was able to visit my another cousin on Wes side of family, Cousin Judy Haynes...

In Aug there was Vacation Bible School

and then I drove out to Alabama to spend a few FUN days with grandkids, since I didn't do Grandma Camp in TX this year and to celebrate B&B new home.

In memory of Wes, him being a plumber and all and his first year of being gone from us,,, I gave a donation to a water well project thru the church, called Safe Water.
It will help with water well for 2000 people in a small town in the Sudan Africa.

Sept. 1st, we had Mark Winters, an evanglist come to our church. He came in character of  "Nate" baseball person and gave a great preaching..The whole church came in their baseball garb to support him...

And I am blessed to be able to be apart of my 4 older TX grandkids life at church.

Today Sept 18th, it is a very special day for me, a day I will never forget. It would have been Wes and my 34th wedding anniversary. ... I miss you more than anyone will ever know and you have left me with lots a wonderful memories I will cherish...

It was also Mary and Mitchell , Wes folks wedding anniversary. Mary Jane says it was also the day her family arrived in Calif,  after moving from Texas about 1956.

Happy Birthday to you Danny... I pray for you to find love, peace and happiness. Love, Mom

October is starting warm..Went to Alabama for Lucas 5th birthday...We had a great time.


Mitchell4 said...

Wow. 2013 was a very busy year so far. That's neat that Emily was able to wear Lara's Easter dress and bonnet. Great post. Look forward to seeing you in October. Love ya