Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sept thru Dec 2012

One foot in front of the other..I would have never got thru theses months without the friends from church, Tom and Judy my close neighbors and my kids... especially the love Danny gave me, helping me with the plans Wes funeral and burial service.
I cant even begin to tell you how I feel and the great lose of Wes...It is lonely and Im keeping myself busy...and alway wondering what do I do???  and where do I go???
In Oct. I got brave and drive myself to Dothan AL...to see the AL grandkids..

Spent alot of time sharing evenings on phone with Mary, Wes sister,,,, we each were the others life lines....
Dec. was OUR year for Christimas and all the kids and their families came. It got us thru this first Christmas without Wes... loved having the grandkids and the house was full of laughter and fun... We took family pics of each family and when we started to take a timed group picture ,, every camera went crazy or had dead batteries...so we didnt get the yearly family picture..