Monday, April 12, 2010

Things to do and places to go

Well this last week was busy with something almost every day. We started off with Wes getting his new shiny bright red lawn mower delivered on Monday. He went to work mowing and trimming all day Tuesday and Wednesday. I got my plane reservation made to fly to California at the end of the this month. Will be there for about month...
Thursday was our church sceduled time to help serve lunch to the college kids at United Christian Fellowship Hall. So I went and helped with that. I picked the month of April for cleaning the church so I headed over there afterwards...
Friday we were finally able to do aour first big trash burn. It has either been rainy or too windy the past 6 months... Wheres the marshmallows Becky ????
We went to town Sat. morning to wait for a historic steam locomotive # 844, to come thru and stop in town. It came from Wyoming, on its way down to Houston. It was part of a 8 state tour to celebrate the railroads history. We hopped in our car and headed out about 15 miles to a little town of Richland, and waited for it to come blasting thru...I didnt get the video on my camera to work to capture the sounds but Wes got some good pictures....too cool.